
The art and science of tracking other living beings is ancestral to us all and this lifeway is making a comeback through organizations like Queer Nature, Original Wisdom, and CyberTracker. I am certified as a Tracker Level III after receiving a level III in a track and sign evaluation and a trailing evaluation through CyberTracker. I have applied and grown in my tracking skill through my employment as the wildlife specialist for the Bad River Tribe where I monitored wolf and piping plover in particular via tracking. I have also been contracted by the Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe to train their wildlife biologist and wardens in wolf monitoring techniques including tracking, alongside wolf howl surveys and running trail cameras. I have offered tracking courses through the Superior River Watershed Association, the Traditional Ways Gathering, the Lincoln Community Forest, and the St. Maud’s makerspace. I would love to work with you to set up a contract for tracking with conservation goals in mind or to set up a wildlife tracking class.

Tracking Foray Pricing

Half day (2-4 hours)

$55/person with group pricing available

Full day (5-8 hours)

$125/person with group pricing available